In light of current events in our nation, we're pausing our podcast to support the Black Lives Matter movement, the protestors, and the systemic need for change in our criminal justice system. We are providing resources for people who would like to educate themselves, donate to the cause, or learn how to attend protests as safely as possible.
about the author
jolie is about 90% caffeine, always up for watching supernatural or psychological horror movies, and she's a little overambitious when it comes to learning.


If you benefit from a system of oppression that says white is good and black is bad, if you face less discrimination because the color of your skin offers you immediate protection, if you don’t have to warn your children about the dangers of having their skin-tone in public YOU HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY to stand beside people of color and demand change in the system that keeps them in poverty, subjugation, and extreme risk of violence from the criminal justice system. 


PDX Protestor Bail Fund | Defund Portland Police Special Units

Donate to Recent Victims of Police Brutality

Riots & Looting - A Different Context

So if I played 400 rounds of Monopoly with you and I had to play and give you every dime that I made, and then for 50 years everytime that I played, if you didn't like what I did you got to burn it, like they did in Tusla, like they did in Rosewood, HOW CAN YOU WIN?

Kimberly Jones, author of "I'm Not Dying with You Tonight"
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Description: On Saturday May 30th filmmaker and photographer David Jones of David Jones Media felt compelled to go out and serve the community in some way. He decided to use his art to try and explain the events that were currently impacting our lives. On day two, Sunday the 31st, he activated his dear friend author Kimberly Jones to tag along and conduct interviews. During a moment of downtime he captured these powerful words from her and felt the world couldn’t wait for the full length documentary, they needed to hear them now.

You can purchase Kimberly Jones’ book here.

Educate Yourself

Protestor Resources


Campaign Zero – Over 1,000 people are killed by police every year in America. We are calling on local, state, and federal lawmakers to take immediate action to adopt data-driven policy solutions to end this violence and hold police accountable.

Community Justice Exchange – The Community Justice Exchange is a national hub for developing, sharing, and experimenting with tactical interventions, strategic organizing practices, and innovative organizing tools to end mass incarceration. We provide support to community-based organizations that are building a new vision of community justice through bottom-up interventions in the criminal legal and immigration detention systems.

The Bail Project – The Bail Project™ National Revolving Bail Fund is a critical tool to prevent incarceration and combat racial and economic disparities in the bail system.

Split a donation between 70+ community bail funds, mutual aid funds, and racial justice organizers

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ex-dancer, jack of all trades and master of none, lover of educational pursuits

jolie has had an obsessive approach to research since she was old enough to read. recently diagnosed with add, a learning disorder commonly thought to mean you couldn’t focus on anything, she learned that her hyper-focus on topics of interest is a dead-giveaway for the disorder. while she can’t pay attention to someone talking about things that bore her, she cannot step away from things that make her brain light up even if it means other necessities are neglected (who needs water, anyway).


sushi, all animals ever (even the ones that look scary or gross), and every art-form.

pet peeves

people standing too close to you in queues, loud chewing, sexist jokes, and arrogance.

her latest episodes

gem is the kind of person who googles the type of sandwich she is eating. “Cottage cheese and tomato toast” is currently in her search history. Needless to say, she is a fantastic party guest. She finds joy in the little things, like when people zoom past her for “driving too slow” only to be stopped at the same light up ahead. Grocery shopping is in her top 10 favorite things to do. She’s usually spaced out, but when she isn’t you can find her binge watching 90 day fiancé or lusting over donuts.


peach haribo, burgers, arts and crafts, & funny typos.

pet peeves

when people write “just breath” trying to sound insightful but they actually sound stupid because it’s breathE, cream cheese in sushi

her podcast episodes

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